unveiling our startup ecosystem - a network powering MENA's future

unveiling our startup ecosystem - a network powering MENA's future

Bridging Countries, Sectors, and Communities of Entrepreneurship for Holistic Growth

benefits of joining our ecosystem?

benefits of joining our ecosystem?

benefits of joining our ecosystem?

Embarking on a journey with parachute16's ecosystem provides exceptional opportunities

Embarking on a journey with parachute16's ecosystem provides exceptional opportunities

access to a network of innovation

access to a network of innovation

Engage with a vast array of business owners, financiers, and specialists in various fields. Such a connection encourages cooperative ventures and offers exposure to perspectives and current developments within the MENA entrepreneurial landscape.

Engage with a vast array of business owners, financiers, and specialists in various fields. Such a connection encourages cooperative ventures and offers exposure to perspectives and current developments within the MENA entrepreneurial landscape.

supportive community

supportive community

Our ecosystem is more than just a network; it's a community. We foster a supportive environment where members can seek advice, feedback, and encouragement from like-minded individuals and industry veterans.

Our ecosystem is more than just a network; it's a community. We foster a supportive environment where members can seek advice, feedback, and encouragement from like-minded individuals and industry veterans.

knowledge and resource sharing

knowledge and resource sharing

Gain access to the knowledge, tools, and best practices! We emphasize continuous learning and sharing, ensuring all members of our ecosystem stay ahead of the curve in their respective fields.

Gain access to the knowledge, tools, and best practices! We emphasize continuous learning and sharing, ensuring all members of our ecosystem stay ahead of the curve in their respective fields.

who can join?

who can join?

who can join?

startups and SMEs

startups and SMEs

Seeking acceleration, mentorship, and investment opportunities

Seeking acceleration, mentorship, and investment opportunities

investors and VCs

investors and VCs

Looking to discover and invest in promising startups in the MENA region

Looking to discover and invest in promising startups in the MENA region

corporate entities

corporate entities

Interested in innovation, intrapreneurship programs, and collaborative projects.

indiviual professionals

indiviual professionals

Entrepreneurs, mentors, consultants, or anyone keen on contributing to and benefiting from the thriving entrepreneurial landscape.

Entrepreneurs, mentors, consultants, or anyone keen on contributing to and benefiting from the thriving entrepreneurial landscape.

academic institutions

academic institutions

Aiming to collaborate on research, innovation, and skill development initiatives.

Aiming to collaborate on research, innovation, and skill development initiatives.





Seeking partnerships for social impact and community-driven projects.

Seeking partnerships for social impact and community-driven projects.